Mobile phone manufacturers wins screen, set off OLED industry war

Market research shows that by 2015, more than 5.0 inches of new mobile phone year on year, the chain showed growth. 4.7, 5.0, 5.2 and 5.5 inches are almost the industry mainstream screen size. Even if the iPhone SE release, did not drive a small screen phone to pick up. But the large size of the OLED screen is only a Samsung, in short supply. In 2016, Samsung AMOLED panel production capacity of about 370 million, of which flexible AMOLED mobile phone panel shipments of 60 million, accounting for almost 99% of the AMOLED screen panel shipments. 2017, the global AMOLED screen production capacity of about 570 million, of which Samsung production capacity is expected to reach 550 million, is still a monopoly level performance.

If the current order estimates, 2017 Apple and Samsung will consume nearly 68% of the AMOLED screen capacity, leaving only about 32% of the capacity, leaving the Chinese mobile phone manufacturers to compete. Samsung Electronics has been the largest customer of the AMOLED screen panel, eating 68% of the AMOLED capacity in 2016, and even about 50% in 2017, and about 220 million orders. Apple to Samsung to show a large single 100 million per year, according to foreign media rumors, it is likely in the order of 6000-1.6 billion. If the 160 million orders, AMOLED panel resources in 2017 stock or only less than 200 million. This is not difficult to explain, last year, Huawei, OPPO, vivo and other mobile phone manufacturers mainstream flagship models have out of stock. Huawei, for example, because the OLED screen out of stock, not only last year delayed the Mate9 series time to market, this year the surface screen Mate 9 Pro and Porsche Mate 9 has been insufficient supply.

Summary of the above, by the smart phone game on the OLED screen panel battle, you can see the unique advantages of OLED. Only the field of smart phones market has been fierce competition, OLED in other areas, such as OLED lighting, OLED eye protection, OLED materials, etc., in the next few years the development can be imagined. And these, perhaps in the virtually reshuffle industry chain.


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